Essential Gear for Carry & Practice
We have compiled a selection of our favorite gear for both everyday carry and shooting practice. This gear is both high quality and budget-friendly, making it perfect for newbies. [Affiliate Links Disclosure]

Holsters for Concealed Carry
There are a variety of ways to carry and conceal your handgun. It can be wise to have multiple options for different scenarios. Here are a few options for under $30 (click to view):
- ComfortTac Ultimate Belly Band Gun Holster for Deep Concealment
- ComfortTac Ultimate Ankle Holster
- 2-Pack Gun Magnet for under your desk, steering wheel, and more
These 3 options allow you to keep one or multiple concealed handguns at the ready in a variety of locations so that you're prepared for whatever comes your way.

Ear Protection for Range Practice
Guns are loud and can permanently damage your hearing. It is important to protect your ears while you practice.
Both of these offer substantial noise reduction on their own, are very affordable, and will last you a long time:
Pro tip: You can use the ear plugs and ear muffs together for double the noise reduction!

Eye Protection for Range Practice
These shooting glasses are both comfortable and affordable:
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